Utah Funeral Directors Association

Salt Lake City Marriott

May 4, 2007

Speaker/Storyteller: Robert Skoglund

The humble Farmer

Thank you, Darren Parker, for asking me to speak at your meeting in Salt Lake City

Please come visit Marsha and me anytime.

humble tells a couple of stories that are so dry that you aren't supposed to get them when you hear them. If more than 3 people in an audience of 200 laugh when humble tells these stories, he didn't tell them right.

But you do laugh later when you've had time to think about it.

You can read those dry stories in a magazine article humble wrote for Portland Magazine:

Dry Stories that you aren't supposed to get until the next day:

You can hear the most recent humble Farmer radio shows on the Internet.

Hear humble's Radio Show

: humble@humblefarmer.com

  If some of the names by the pictures are missing or incorrect, please email or call me at 207-226-7442 so I can fix them. Thanks.

Sorry. I forgot to bring my camera. My camera is, of course, one of the 35 things on my check off list that I am supposed to bring to shows so I can get pictures of you.

I checked off "camera" and then left it here on my desk next to my computer. Sorry.

I also left my cream cheese and olive sandwich in the cooler in the car when I flew to Salt Lake City on Friday morning, but the cooler, with 4 ice packs, worked and I was able to eat the sandwich on the way home the next evening. No ill effects so far. Thanks for being a great audience.

Because of some of the things I heard from you in Salt Lake City, I rewrote the focus of my entire presentation on the way home, and I plan to use it for the first time on Thursday. Thank you for making a difference in my life.



51. Robert Skoglund: The humble Farmer. -- My wife asked me why I always dressed so shabby. I said that clothes don't amount to nothing. It's the body underneath that counts. And she said, "Don't make it any worse than it already is."

Thank you for looking at the pictures.

And thank you for being a great audience at the

Salt Lake City Marriott

May 4, 2007

"I went to a one room school."

"The teacher always taught the lesson the the slowest one in the room."

"When we were 15, every Friday night we'd go to a dance at the St. George Grange."

"It was right next to the school."

"When I was young and single --- between the ages of 34 and 48 --- my old fourth cousin Gramp Wiley lived on my south line."

Gramp Wiley June 18, 1903 ---- August 28, 1984

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Robert Karl Skoglund
785 River Road
St. George, ME 04860

© 2007 Robert Karl Skoglund