Radio Talk Show Response -- And, Below That, PR Response

We heard you over KNBR out of San Francisco today & you are great!

Phillip G., Santa Rosa, CA

You brightened a gloomy morning here in Pennsylvania by gracing us with your humor.

Kathy A., Wormleysburg, PA

Heard you yesterday on radio KING, Seattle & your regional charm peaked [sic] my interest.

Juanita V., Woodinville, WA

I really enjoyed your visit with Ron Smith - WBAL - Baltimore this date. Have you done recordings?

Harold Q., Getysburg, PA

I listened to you on the radio, and just enjoyed your stories! I loved them! I hope I catch you again, on the radio, and soon!

Lorraine M., Brocton, MA

I heard you on the radio in San Francisco and couldn't resist writing you. The warmth of your personality quickly lowered my initial skepticism.

Peter A., Davis, CA

I most enjoyed your appearance on WBAL Radio in Baltimore. Please continue to make the world a happy place with your humor.

Roy. N., Clarksville, MD

[Re: Friday 7-8 P.M. show on Maine Public Radio] You were in rare form tonight! Great music and dry wit. What more could you ask for on a Friday night? ... At any rate, your show is awesome! Keep up the good work!

Maureen M. Auburn, ME

What a treat to have heard you today --- Wish you had a syndicated show.

Marilynn C., Lebanon, PA

Program Managers: For a couple of demo CDs of humble's radio program, please send your snail mail address to:


As a writer, my heroes are those who can communicate intimately with strangers over the airwaves. I've written 28 books with a worldwide circulation, in graphic design and Microsoft Office areas, of over a million readers, and I do well in personal workshops and speeches, but I truly admire those who can communicate in an empty studio. … Have loved the type of music you play since high school…. I do hope station management appreciates what a gem they have in you.


Your hour is more than good music; There's the "stories" between tunes, which are really fun, and funny, especially for someone "From away."


I've been listening to you for years. At first I thought you were nuts, but then I listened a bit more closely.


I haven't been listening to your show for very long at all, but I'm pretty sure that it's one of the best things ever.

Heather & Jason

We, my wife and I, are grateful for your most penetrating and profound commentary.

Tristan & Eden

Bravo, Bravo, Bravissimo!! Your show is always great- rant away!


We e-mailed each other a few times about two years ago. I was in college at the time, and in my late 40's. It was my first experience of being in college with a bunch of whipper-snappers, and my rusty brain cells were having a terrible time adjusting to all the learning skills required for college. I was on my way home one evening after school let out and was in a terrible mess, crying because I did not think I could make the grade. Well anyway, I turned the radio on and there you were. You turned my tears of distress into tears of laughter. This is something I will never forget.

Female Student

The hour that I devote listening to your weekly presentation ranks up there with days afloat under sail, days skiing, and days flying, in the enhancement of the quality of my life. One more hour that will not be deducted from the allotted span.

Sean, Yacht master, Web master, Aviator

Thank you for your always acerbic, funny, sly commentary--such a refreshment every Friday evening….Plus you play the greatest jazz.


I have a friend down in Raymond, NH who thought you were the greatest years ago and I thought he was silly. Then I got to listening and I was hooked.


I just arrived in Maine two weeks ago from Ft. Lauderdale, Fl … Most importantly for me you are a refreshing change of media personality…. I love the way you consider any ordinary subject and kind of turn it around, or invert it and see how it looks, not telling us how we must look at it but giving us a hint of what you see. … Anyway you gave me some real laughs.


When I don't have a gig, I like to sit in front of the fire place with my wife a kids and listen to the show on a rainy Friday night. It really is the way life should be. Thank you for being so entertaining. You truly are one of Maine's treasures.


My husband and I used to listen to your show all the time until we moved to Rhode Island. Then, we'd listen every time we came home for a visit. Now, we live in Bothell, Washington where we couldn't listen to you at all. But, thanks to this great thing we call the internet, we will be able to listen to your show at 4 in the afternoon…. Thanks for the comforting voice and music.


Email now for samples on CD


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Robert Karl Skoglund
785 River Road,
St. George, ME 04860
(207) 226-7442

(c) 2005 Robert Karl Skoglund