Meeting Planners Tell
You What Robert Can Do For You
Clients Say Behind Robert's Back
Radio Talk Show and Public Radio Response
"Having you for the keynote speaker for the annual meeting was the best decision we made all year!"
- M. Gardiner
Worcester County Convention & Visitors Bureau

"What a success! YOU WERE GREAT! I've been handling the programs for our annual reunions for the past seven years and without a doubt can name you as one of the best!"
- T. Waller, Reunion Chairman
USS Portland CA 33

"You were the highlight of our seminar... Your humor overwhelmed them."
- A. Ryland
Phillips-Van Heusen Corp.

"The audience response to you was super, you had them laughing from beginning to end."
- R. Clark
Association of American Control Officials

"Thank you for the outstanding way you entertained our employees... People are still talking about you! They especially liked the way you took time to speak with them prior to the performance. This personal touch really made a difference."
- J. Gaudet
Davidson Instrument Panel, TEXTRON

"Your natural wit, spontaneity, and unique brand of Down East humor left our audience in stitches."
- M. Thibodeau
Maine Public Service Co.

"Robert Skoglund is undoubtedly one of New England's greatest humorists. He is extremely funny and captivates his audience with his quick wit and dry sense of humor... I truly believe he has harvested the hearts of all generations with his unique style."
- Joseph E. Brennan
Former Governor of the state of Maine

"I can't remember laughing so much in my life... I was on the verge of getting ill from laughing so much. I can easily recommend you to any group, your humor and style appeal to all age groups and demographics."
- G. Branyen
New York Life

"Robert Skoglund was a saving grace for our event! He brought a great touch of local humor and succeeded in attracting an enthusiastic crowd in 50° temperatures!"
- A. Potter
Ingalis, Quinn & Johnson

"Thank you very much for your excellent performance at our Employee Appreciation Dinner. Our folks have been talking about you all week, they definitely had a fun time... People appreciated your personal interest in them. Incorporating a motivational dialogue into your humorous stories was well received... I observed laughter without restraint throughout the entire audience. Robert, I truly enjoyed meeting you!"
- C. Klink
Energynorth Propane, Inc.

"The standing ovation you received certainly testifies to the success of your very funny presentation. Thanks again!"
- M. Grondin
Farmers Home Administration

"Not many people have the special gift you have for being able to tell a story and keep the attention of the entire audience."
- D. Rouleau
United Technologies Pratt & Whitney

"Thank you very much for the terrific program you delivered at our annual Construction Conference... Our guests were extremely enthusiastic about your presentation."
- P. Hanrahan, Nat'l Chairman
International Management Council

October 19, 2005
Dear Robert,
Thank you very much for attending the Maine Pharmacy Association's Annual Conference, at the Samoset Resort in Rockport, ME. Everyone enjoyed your performance. You could see the smiles all about the room, and hear the laughter from everyone.
I enjoyed meeting you and having a chance to chat, thank you again.
Doris Chase, Executive Assistant
Maine Pharmacy Association

September 14, 2005
Dear Robert,
Thank you again for providing a wonderful & entertaining evening for our association. Everyone in attendance thoroughly enjoyed your stories and the various opportunities to visit you off stage. Several people have contacted me for information on your website.
I would personally like to thank you for helping me to put on a successful President's Reception. Myself and my family appreciated you sharing our table and the extra interaction we were able to share.
Please don't hesitate to use me as a reference if you would like.
Again on behalf of the SOVMA, myself, and my family, THANK YOU!
Jeffery J. Ehrenfried, DVM
South Dakota Veterinary Medical Association

National Farmers Association, Grand Rapids, January 20, 2005
February 7, 2005
Dear Robert,
You are a funny, funny entertainer and you couldn't have been more "tailor-made" for our audience of farmers and ranchers from around the country.
I heard nothing but praise from our attendees about your laugh-a-minute wit - what a great way to send everyone home!
Thanks for the good time and all the belly laughs.
Melanie Duggan
Convention Coordinator, National Farmers Association

Seaboard Federal Credit Union, in Orland, December 11, 2004
December 23, 2004
Re: Seaboard FCU Christmas Party
Dear Robert:
Thank you for providing an evening of laughter and fun for our 2004 Christmas party. Our staff enjoyed the opportunity to get to know you and was impressed with your professionalism in setting up the engagement and arranging the logistics for your show.
More importantly, we were truly entertained with a steady stream of old fashioned, quick-witted, homespun humor. Our group especially treasured the story about Winkie's dating habits.
Please have any group considering booking your show give me a call. I'd be happy to share our delightful evening with the "Humble Farmer."
Kyle W. Casburn
President and CEO

Vermont Health Care Association in Burlington, September 22, 2004
November 8, 2004
Dear "Humble:"
Thank you for the entertaining presentation at our annual awards banquet. Your stories were hilarious and kept the audience laughing throughout the evening. In fact, even today, our members will remind me of one of your anecdotes or refer to "Winky" and the laughter starts again.
It was a delight to have you and the lovely Marsha here in Vermont. I hope you enjoyed your visit with us and we look forward to more encounters with the humble farmer and his friends.
Mary Shriver
Executive Director

Community Association in Westport, July 31, 2004
August 5, 2004
Dear humble:
What a great time everyone had last Saturday night. I know we had over 100 people crammed into our Town Hall to hear your show after the Fire Department Benefit Barbeque. Right from the beginning, with your clever introduction, your warmth and humor won the audience. I haven't heard that much genuine laughter from adults in a long time. We loved you.
The feedback I have received is fantastic. I have enclosed an article from our local paper in which you received a RAVE review. Bob and I and probably many new fans from Westport Island, will be tuning in on Friday nights. Thanks again!
- Ann Springhorn
Westport Island Community Association
Enclosed newspaper clipping said:
"What a great evening we had at the Town Hall on Saturday evening. The BBQ supper that the Fire Department put out was so very good there was corn on the cob, coleslaw, baked beans, BBQ chicken, hot dogs, coffee, cold drinks, and homemade pies that were provided by the community association members.
I am sure that no one went home hungry. If they did it was their own doing. Then we went into the Town Hall for one of the funniest evenings I have had in a long time. This wonderful man known as the Humble Farmer told some funny and different stories and had us all laughing and laughing. Oh how good it is to laugh like that..."

Aluminum Anodizers Council, Montreal, September 11, 2001 (9-11)
October 3, 2001
Dear Robert:
The Council's Tenth Annual International Anodizing Conference was a major success in spite of the harrowing events that clouded our opening day. I want you to know how much we appreciated your presentation and the role you played in ensuring our success.
You personalized your message to suit our group. You greeted our delegates individually. Your paid attention to the little things that yield success. Your Keynote Breakfast presentation was a bright spot in our program. I am glad we could offer our delegates a hearty serving of humble's human humor.
Please accept my sincere thanks for your help in making this a better, more useful meeting for the entire anodizing industry.
Best Regards,
Gregory T. Rajsky, President
Aluminum Anodizers Council

What Clients Say Behind Robert's Back
"Months later I'm still receiving applause for your program."
Frederick Rauh & Company, Insurance and Financial Services
"What a relief. I thought I would be sitting through another boring speech. Instead, you made the luncheon a smashing success. In the meantime, I hope you will use this letter as a reference and save other audiences from the boring speakers of the world."
The Margulies Communications Group, Dallas, TX
"Robert Skoglund comes across as a humorist whose insights transcend the international boundaries. Our readers have come to identify with the homespun philosophy of Gramp Wiley and Robert's unique perceptions of the world around him."
The Telegraph Journal
"I wanted you to know your performance was fantastic at our meeting on the Cape. ... Robert you really made me look good. Thank you! I was also very pleasantly surprised to turn on my car radio the other night and hear you on WBZ in Boston telling one of your Gramp Wiley stories."
National Association of Electrical Distributors
"I wasn't surprised of the positive results of the survey because you did 'peg' the ol' laugh meter with the audience reaction during your performance. We enjoyed your entertainment tremendously and would like to invite you for a return engagement. "
West Point Pepperell
"You personalized your message to suit our group. You greeted our delegates individually. You paid attention to the little things that yield success. Your Keynote Breakfast presentation was a bright spot in our program"
Aluminum Anodizers Council -- September 11, 2001, in Montreal
"Your remarks breathe wiseness, generosity, patience, and a respect for human enterprise"
Don, a Public Radio listener
"I was struck by how attentive the audience was and how hard they laughed at your stories"
Vermont Association of Broadcasters
"I thoroughly enjoyed your presentation at the Washington ACTS meeting. I took me a while to figure out you were the 'survivor' and not the dinner speaker - it was great."
Tennessee Safety Belt Use Coalition
"Lawrence Peter [The Peter Principle] was scheduled to be our banquet speaker, but he got ill. Larry Wilde and Robert Skoglund kindly agreed to fill in for Professor Peter, and of course there was a local television news team to cover the event. When the show was aired, it was humble Maine humorist Robert Skoglund who was televised - a perfect illustration of the Peter Principle if I ever saw one."
WHIM Conferences, Dept. of English, Arizona State University
"In talking with other attendants at the conference, I would say that your talk was the highlight of the N. H. Municipal Conference."
City of Manchester Police Department [humble spoke after George Bush]
"He is undoubtedly one of New England's greatest humorists. Bob is extremely funny and captivates his audience with his quick wit and dry sense of humor."
Joseph E. Brennan, Former Governor of Maine
"I've never seen such a tremendous response - you truly deserved the standing ovation you received."
National Association of Unclaimed Property Administrators
"I want to thank you for the hilarious evening you provided for us as the after dinner speaker at our Corporate Management Information Services seminar. "You were the highlight of our seminar and the main topic of conversation when our people returned to their locations. "
Phillips-Van Heusen Corporation
"Thanks, Robert ... for a great evening of good, clean fun! We loved it. In spite of the rain, you were a ray of sunshine!"
National Paperbox Association
"Words cannot express how wonderfully your Maine humor presentation was received at our lobsterbake. The Standing ovation you received certainly testifies to the success of your very funny presentation. Last week's conference was our most successful ever; your part in the program played a major role in that success." [49 states represented]
Farmers Home Administration
"Many thanks for an outstanding performance! Our members loved it and were delightfully surprised by the type of speaker you turned out to be. Your subtle and 'off-beat' humor certainly hit the mark and made us look good. Thanks again!"
PenAg Industries Association
"You were just terrific... Thanks so much, and please don't hesitate to use me as a reference"
Vermont Automobile Dealers Association
"... there are many of the doctors that listen to your show on Friday evenings on the radio. Dr. Lounsbury is one of your biggest fans ... I heard nothing but rave reviews and still there was laughter at our Executive meeting a few weeks after about your presentation"
Androscoggin County Medical Association
"Just a note to thank you for speaking at [President] Tom Baum's retirement party, and to tell you what a fine job you did and how much we all enjoyed it. Every comment we heard from those in attendance was extremely complimentary. Not many people have the special gift you have of being able to tell a story and keep the attention of the entire audience... Tom was laughing so hard he had tears in his eyes."
United Technologies, Pratt & Whitney
"Your persona and your stories and jokes were truly very, very funny. I was amazed at the loud and long laughter you were able to evoke from such a large and disparate audience. Unfortunately, you have set a standard of success that I will be hard pressed to maintain. Accordingly, I hope you will put me back on your mailing list so, at least, I can steal some of your material."
Connecticut Road Builders' Association, Inc.
"... you were able to charm the entire group of teachers and other professionals and hold their rapt attention. I was impressed by the ease with which you interacted with the audience, picking up on the comments being made and responding in a personal and very amusing way. I'm sure that it had been a very long time since we all had laughed as much as we did that night! I received multiple congratulations for arranging such terrific entertainment, but the credit for the success of the evening belongs to you."
Association of Managerial and Professional Employees at Yale
"Your story telling and humor was reminiscent of Will Rogers. Every time we thought you had finished a story or joke you came up with a different or unusual ending."
U. S. S. Portland reunion
"... thank you for your outstanding performance. ... At the reception following the ceremony I spoke with dozens of people, all of whom gave you rave reviews. ... We gave you a difficult assignment that night. On the one hand we wanted to maintain the dignity of the proceedings, and on the other hand we all wanted to have a relaxing and enjoyable time. ... during the five years that I have been emcee of the program, I can't recall more sustained and hearty laughter than we had during your monologue."
Maine State Police
"You even received the ultimate Maine accolade, 'he was goo-ud'."
Pemaquid Watershed Association
"How did we get so lucky? Having you as our keynote speaker for the annual meeting of the Worcester County Convention & Visitors Bureau was the best decision we made all year!! ...I look forward to having you back again real soon."
Worcester County Convention and Visitors Bureau
"... your performance was enthusiastically received. I continue to receive glowing comments from those in attendance. Once again, thanks for your outstanding performance."
Davidson Instrument Panel TEXTRON
"Robert, I have to admit that you were a great hit. In attendance were two of the most conservative ladies I have ever known. During your show I observed one of them bent over in uncontrollable laughter. That speaks for itself. Thanks for a great show."
Warren Pumps, Inc.
"Bob, this is also the first year that we have received letters from our guests complementing us on our choice of entertainment - all thoroughly enjoyed themselves. You know the old saying, 'you get what you pay for,' well we got a lot more than we paid for. Thanks again for a superb job."
A. H. Harris & Sons, Inc.
"Just a note to let you know that everyone I talked to enjoyed your downeast humor. Actually one of my people told me that one lady was laughing all the way to the elevators. ... the audience response to you was super, you had them laughing from the beginning to the end."
Association of American Control Officials
"Thank you very much for the terrific program you delivered at our annual Construction Conference... Our guests were extremely enthusiastic about your performance."
International Management Council
"I was laughing so hard at times that I was crying. Thanks again for a job well done."
National Association of Trust Auditors
"The scores are in and those in attendance at our evening presentation have given you a score of a 'perfect 10'! I was deluged with enthusiastic commentary following your presentation and all of it was positive to the nth degree! All I can do is thank you once again for being the highlight of our annual conference and for helping me to receive the most vocal congratulations from our members."
American Production and Inventory Control Society, NE Region
"I especially appreciated dealing with a speaker, who bent over backwards to give more service than I contracted for, who was friendly beyond my expectations, and had the persistence and ingenuity to overcome nagging little problems. Be assured that the next time anyone asks about a good speaker I can recommend a 'great one'."
Brown's River Records Preservation Services
"It was a pleasure to appear with you at the insurance dinner on Friday night. I greatly enjoyed your amusing remarks, particularly after a long week of listening to the posturing of various colleagues. I wish you continued success with your career as an entertainer and hope to see you again before too long."
William S. Cohen, former U. S. Senator and Secretary of Defense
"Everyone was so pleased with the clean humor presented in such a straight-forward and apparently easy-going manner. As a meeting planner, however, I know that such a smooth performance is no accident. From my first conversation with you, it was obvious that you are thoroughly professional. Your extensive preliminary work: the pre-meeting questionnaire, the phone calls, and an early arrival to mix with the group, set the groundwork for a most successful program. I would recommend you without reservation to any group looking for an insightful and intelligent evening of humor."
Maine Specialty Tours
"It is not often we can find someone who can entertain both farmers and Mafia leaders almost in the same breath."
"I would like to thank you for your superb speech on 'Industrial Espionage.' It was ... appropriate that the Ford Motor Company awarded you a medal and a substantial sum of money for selling the Edsel plans to the Soviets!"
Salem, NH Chamber of Commerce
"Skoglund's dry wit has been favorably compared to Art Buchwald, H.L. Mencken, Mark Twain and Woody Allen... it's also very addicting."
The Tallahassee Advertiser
Here's a note of thanks from D, a 48 year-old grandmother who listens to humble's show on Public Radio. The company she worked for left town and she started college where she studied hard and figured she'd get an A. But on the first test she "was just brain dead" and got 64. D was "devastated" from losing her job and then not being able to "even pass a foolish psychology test." She was "ready to quit." But, "on the way home, I turned the radio on and there you were. Of course I have a ride that is long enough, and more, to hear all of your show. By the time I got home I was laughing so hard I was crying. Thank you, Thank you. Now, I would not miss your show for anything. You saved me my sanity. I don't care what you say, you saved me."
It's this letter and many more like it that makes it all worthwhile.

Radio Talk Show and PR Response
We heard you over KNBR out of San Francisco today & you are great!
Phillip G., Santa Rosa, CA
You brightened a gloomy morning here in Pennsylvania by gracing us with your humor.
Kathy A., Wormleysburg, PA
Heard you yesterday on radio KING, Seattle & your regional charm peaked [sic] my interest.
Juanita V., Woodinville, WA
I really enjoyed your visit with Ron Smith - WBAL - Baltimore this date. Have you done recordings?
Harold Q., Getysburg, PA
I listened to you on the radio, and just enjoyed your stories! I loved them! I hope I catch you again, on the radio, and soon!
Lorraine M., Brocton, MA
I heard you on the radio in San Francisco and couldn't resist writing you. The warmth of your personality quickly lowered my initial skepticism.
Peter A., Davis, CA
I most enjoyed your appearance on WBAL Radio in Baltimore. Please continue to make the world a happy place with your humor.
Roy. N., Clarksville, MD
[Re: Friday 7-8 P.M. show on Maine Public Radio] You were in rare form tonight! Great music and dry wit. What more could you ask for on a Friday night? ... At any rate, your show is awesome! Keep up the good work!
Maureen M. Auburn, ME
What a treat to have heard you today --- Wish you had a syndicated show.
Marilynn C., Lebanon, PA
As a writer, my heroes are those who can communicate intimately with strangers over the airwaves. I've written 28 books with a worldwide circulation, in graphic design and Microsoft Office areas, of over a million readers, and I do well in personal workshops and speeches, but I truly admire those who can communicate in an empty studio. … Have loved the type of music you play since high school…. I do hope station management appreciates what a gem they have in you.
Your hour is more than good music; There's the "stories" between tunes, which are really fun, and funny, especially for someone "From away."
I've been listening to you for years. At first I thought you were nuts, but then I listened a bit more closely.
I haven't been listening to your show for very long at all, but I'm pretty sure that it's one of the best things ever.
Heather & Jason
We, my wife and I, are grateful for your most penetrating and profound commentary.
Tristan & Eden
Bravo, Bravo, Bravissimo!! Your show is always great- rant away!
We e-mailed each other a few times about two years ago. I was in college at the time, and in my late 40's. It was my first experience of being in college with a bunch of whipper-snappers, and my rusty brain cells were having a terrible time adjusting to all the learning skills required for college. I was on my way home one evening after school let out and was in a terrible mess, crying because I did not think I could make the grade. Well anyway, I turned the radio on and there you were. You turned my tears of distress into tears of laughter. This is something I will never forget.
Female Student
The hour that I devote listening to your weekly presentation ranks up there with days afloat under sail, days skiing, and days flying, in the enhancement of the quality of my life. One more hour that will not be deducted from the allotted span.
Sean, Yacht master, Web master, Aviator
Thank you for your always acerbic, funny, sly commentary--such a refreshment every Friday evening….Plus you play the greatest jazz.
I have a friend down in Raymond, NH who thought you were the greatest years ago and I thought he was silly. Then I got to listening and I was hooked.
I just arrived in Maine two weeks ago from Ft. Lauderdale, Fl … Most importantly for me you are a refreshing change of media personality…. I love the way you consider any ordinary subject and kind of turn it around, or invert it and see how it looks, not telling us how we must look at it but giving us a hint of what you see. … Anyway you gave me some real laughs.
When I don't have a gig, I like to sit in front of the fire place with my wife a kids and listen to the show on a rainy Friday night. It really is the way life should be. Thank you for being so entertaining. You truly are one of Maine's treasures.
My husband and I used to listen to your show all the time until we moved to Rhode Island. Then, we'd listen every time we came home for a visit. Now, we live in Bothell, Washington where we couldn't listen to you at all. But, thanks to this great thing we call the internet, we will be able to listen to your show at 4 in the afternoon…. Thanks for the comforting voice and music.